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Tucker Brings Experience, Toughness to Coats

Chloe Senatore /February 12, 2021

by Chloe Senatore | Blue Coats Broadcast Academy presented by Rowan Radio

In his second year of professional basketball, Rayjon Tucker is excited and grateful to get back on the court with the Delaware Blue Coats.

After splitting the 2019-20 campaign between the G League’s Wisconsin Herd and NBA’s Utah Jazz, Tucker inked a two-way contract with the Sixers on January 22.

“It’s giving me the opportunity to, you know, get back in the scene of the NBA. Just coming off the contract with the Jazz, getting traded. It’s just another opportunity to go in there and prove myself,” Tucker said. “Just another opportunity to get back on the court, for real. It's always a blessing because, you know, the basketballs stop bouncing at some point.”

The basketballs will be bouncing early in often, with the Blue Coats playing 15 games in just three weeks. Tucker says he excited to be a part of this new team and contribute in whatever way he can to make the team better.

[caption id="attachment_1321" align="aligncenter" width="875"] Juan Ocampo/NBAE via Getty Images[/caption]

“At this point in my career I have to be one of those guys that’s gonna help make the team better in whatever aspect that may be,” Tucker said.

One of Tucker’s goals this season is to help his teammates be the best basketball players they can be, in addition to his own personal goals.

“I think that’s really the main focus. To win and give my teammates the opportunity to better themselves in their lives,” said Tucker.

“To give the other guys on the team that don't have the same opportunity as me right now, to get them seen,” he said. “If we win, that gives other guys on the team a shot for them to either get… other two-ways, or even opportunities for next year.”

In his 16 games with the Herd last year, Tucker averaged 23.8 points per game, and he says that improving his shot is one of his personal goals this season.

“To work on my shot, make sure I've got a more consistent shot. Just being a better player in general. Whatever I need to be doing just to make the team better,” Tucker said.

With the entire G-League in one “bubble” community together this season as a health and safety precaution against COVID-19, Tucker says that checking in on everybody’s mental health is a priority under their unusual circumstances.

“For me, it’s just keeping your mental right, making sure everybody else stays locked in, because you're not around the people that you’re usually used to being around,” he said. “You usually have the outlet where you can go home and get away from basketball. It’s just one of those times when you just can’t do that. So just keeping everybody’s head good, checking in on everybody’s mental.”

Overall, Tucker is excited to get more NBA experience with both the Blue Coats and the Sixers and he is grateful for the opportunity.

“I feel like any position that I’m in to affiliate with the league, or just to be in the league in general is helping me to fulfill those goals and dreams,” Tucker said. “Just to be in this position to keep playing the game that I love to play, it’s definitely a blessing.”